Sunday 22 December 2013

Farewell to Sarah

Time has flown since the arrival of Sarah in January for the appointment as a teacher at 'Bald Hills'. Even since arriving Sarah has been a blessing to all of the family, her dedication and loyalty will never be forgotten. Kurt and Kayla really enjoyed Sarah as a teacher this year resulting in their high achievements and efforts in their work. The last couple of days of school was filled with a surprise Christmas Concert, plenty of cuddles, (some tears shed by Leah) and a making of a Gingerbread house!!

Kayla and Leah organised a farewell dinner for Sarah giving it a Christmas theme.

Beau and Sarah have always had a special bond, he is still asking when is Sarah back?? Thankfully, she is returning for a couple of days in late January and also promised camping and weekend visits!!

Leah and I wish Sarah all the best.